Benzene Overview

Benzene is a chemical historically found in fuels, paint thinners, degreasers, lubricants, consumer products such as plastics, adhesions and many more items. Benzene exposure has been linked to Leukemia, Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL), and other blood cancers.

Benzene Exposure

Occupations and other Exposure Risks

Workers in various industries, including oil, gas stations, laboratories, factories, print shops, dry cleaners, and many other workplaces where Benzene is present. Al Anthony has successfully represented mechanics, scientists, painters, ship workers and factory workers who have suffered from the devastating effects of Benzene exposure. Individuals exposed to this carcinogen develop fatal illnesses like leukemia, necessitating expensive chemotherapy and surgical treatments, causing long hospital stays and other severe suffering. Anthony Law Firm aggressively pursues compensation for damages and medical expenses, with additional funds for the families of the victims.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Anthony Law Firm is here for you for a free consultation. We also offer fee arrangements where there are no fees throughout the process of the lawsuit, and Anthony Law Firm will only be compensated after a favorable result is obtained for you and your loved ones. Prompt legal action is crucial for ensuring victims receive the necessary resources for treatment and care.